Welcome to the Amador County Amateur Radio Club
A club of knowledgeable, interesting, and helpful people!
Here you will find information on Amateur Radio and the club. We are located in the Sierra foothills of California. You are welcome to browse the content and contact us with your questions via email or on our repeaters.
The club call sign is K6ARC
Club Meetings
The Club meets the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 pm. Typically meetings are held on-line via ZOOM as we have members participating throughout Amador county and beyond. In-person meetings are also held for special presentations or events as needed.
Club Calendar [PDF]
Visitors are always welcome! Please email us for more information.
Club Membership
Membership in the club is open to anyone with an interest in amateur (ham) radio. Those with a current amateur radio license may join as a Full or Repeater member. If you do not have a license, you may join as an Associate member. Please see the application form for dues and mailing information. Dues are collected for each calendar year.
Membership Application [PDF]
If you would like more information, please email us.
Weekly NET
Our weekly NET is every Tuesday evening at 7:30 pm (1930 PT) with K6ARC repeaters linked. You may check in on either VHF or UHF and hear all traffic. There is a roll-call of members, followed by regular visitors and guests. Announcements about the club and other radio related items are made during the NET.
Visitors are always welcome!
The club has two repeaters, both located on Mount Zion in Amador County. One is a VHF 2m repeater and the other is a UHF 70cm repeater. Both repeaters use the K6ARC call sign. The repeaters are normally linked so traffic can be heard on either one, they are always linked for the weekly NET.
Call | Frequency | Offset | CTCSS | Location |
K6ARC | 146.835 MHz | -0.6 MHz | 100.0 Hz | Mount Zion, Pine Grove |
K6ARC | 441.525 MHz | +5.0 MHz | 100.0 Hz | Mount Zion, Pine Grove |
The following files list the Amador County and surrounding counties VHF & UHF repeaters, thanks to the Northern Amateur Relay Council of California.
Getting a License
Before you can get on the air, you need to be licensed and know the rules to operate legally.
The club offers Ham Cram sessions once or twice a year to help interested people to get their licenses.
For more information on licenses, see the ARRL website at:
Contact Information for the
Amador County Amateur Radio Club
Our Mailing Address is:
Amador County Amateur Radio Club
P.O. Box 1094
Pine Grove, CA 95665